About Demy

What is Demy?
Demy is a migraine app and program from Pfizer that offers a personalized approach to helping people with migraine take a positive step towards living well. Users can learn skills to use in everyday life through a series of lessons and exercises based on the principles of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and mindfulness-based stress reduction. They can gain a greater understanding of how to calm the body and mind and develop healthy lifestyle behaviors and habits to become more stress resilient.
Is Demy free?
You can use Demy at no cost to you if your employer is participating in a Demy workplace program, and you have an activation code to access the app.
How can I get a Demy activation code?
If your employer is participating in a workplace program, you should receive an activation code from them to use Demy. If you have not received a code, please check with your human resources team.
Can I share my Demy activation code with friends and family?
When setting up your account, you will be asked to enter a unique identifier, determined by your employer. This information will be verified against a list provided by your employer. Only participating email addresses or IDs will be activated. Demy is a benefit for employees only. Friends and family will not be able to access Demy.
Where does the information in the app come from?
Demy's content is based on documented research, professional insights, and the principles of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). The features and user interface were designed with input and feedback from individuals with migraine.
Is Demy available for use outside the US?
Currently, Demy is only available in the US for employees of companies participating in a Demy workplace program.


How can I start using Demy?
Enter your employer activation code and unique identifier, then complete the account creation by adding your first and last name, email address (this can be your personal email address) and set up your password. Then you’re ready to get going.
What features does Demy offer?

Demy helps you to log migraine attacks, capturing details about when and where attacks happen, symptoms, possible triggers, relief methods you’ve tried, and the impact migraine has on daily life.

Demy displays details from your attack log information through simple charts and graphs that can help you spot patterns and identify trends. Export your data, transforming it into a powerful resource for you to share with your healthcare provider.

Demy offers both guided and elective learning.

  • Learn skills to use in everyday life through a series of short lessons based on the principles of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and mindfulness-based stress reduction.
  • Gain a greater understanding of how to calm the body and mind and develop healthy habits to build resilience against stress in your everyday life.
  • Browse elective articles to help you learn more about various aspects of living with migraine.
  • Learn about Healthy Lifestyle Exercises to incorporate into your everyday life.
How does the Demy attack log work?

Demy provides a way to log vital information about your attacks, then allows you to see how those factors compare in charts that show your past logs over time. This may help you spot trends that can help guide your lifestyle choices and have more detailed conversations with your healthcare provider.

Things you’ll be able to log include:

  • How often your attacks occur
  • How long they last
  • Pain level
  • Symptoms
  • Possible triggers
  • Relief methods you’ve tried
  • How it impacted your daily living

It’s important to capture every attack you can. When starting a new log entry, you can choose to save your entry as a quick log to complete later or fill in all the details you can right away. To save a quick log, simply enter when the attack started and pain level, then come back to finish it later.

How can Demy help me better understand my condition?
Demy can help you better understand your condition by providing tools to track and log your migraine attacks, as well as resources and educational content to learn about migraine.
Can I use Demy if I haven’t been diagnosed with migraine by a doctor?
Yes! Anyone can use Demy, including those who have recurring headache attacks but don’t have a diagnosis. In fact, keeping a log of your attacks can help you have more detailed conversations with your healthcare provider.
How can I track my progress or improvements while using Demy?

Log all your attack details in Demy, and you’ll see in the insights how you’re tracking over time. Demy will provide graphs and quick recaps to highlight trends and patterns. Tap “Insights” in the app menu at the bottom of the screen to see a recap of what you’ve logged so far:

  • Discover trends: Select a time frame and two attack log variables to compare. Your entries in that time frame will be visualized in a line graph that shows when your attacks were occurring.
  • Explore history: See a breakdown of how often you’ve logged specific attack factors.
  • See my progress: This will give you a quick recap of the courses you’ve completed, the quick logs you still need to complete, and a high-level comparison of your log entries this past month compared to the previous month.
Does Demy recommend lifestyle changes for living well with migraine?
When inside the app, visit “Learn” in the main menu. Here you’ll find helpful courses and elective articles based in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) that offer mindfulness and relaxation strategies you can use every day. You can also learn more about how sleep, exercise, and eating habits can play a role in helping you live well with migraine.
How can I get the most out of using Demy?
To get the most out of using Demy, make sure to log your migraine attacks, explore the educational content and resources available, and engage with the exercises provided to take a positive step towards living well with migraine.
Can I diagnose my own headache condition by using Demy?
Demy is NOT intended to diagnose, cure, mitigate, treat, or prevent migraine or any other disease; however, it can help you collect information about your attacks that may help you have a more detailed conversation with your healthcare provider.
Can Demy provide recommendations for migraine care?
Demy is NOT intended to diagnose, cure, mitigate, treat, or prevent migraine or any other disease. Always speak to a licensed healthcare provider when seeking treatment recommendations; however, you’ll find plenty of useful information in Demy, including Healthy Lifestyle Exercises that can help you better understand how to build resilience in your everyday life.
Can Demy help me talk about my condition with my colleagues, family members, and healthcare provider?
Inside the Learn area you can find some useful information on how to have better conversations about migraine. By using the attack log regularly, it can help you better understand the patterns of your migraine attacks. Knowing how long your attacks usually last and how they affect you can help you better describe your experience to others help you plan for when attacks happen.
Can Demy help me understand how migraine might be affecting me and what I can do about it?
Demy is NOT intended to diagnose, cure, mitigate, treat, or prevent migraine or any other disease; however, Demy can help track how migraine is impacting your life through insights you gain by logging your attacks. Demy will also help you learn skills and strategies to help you build resilience and manage stress in everyday life. You can also find information on how migraine can affect work performance for many people.
Will my employer or manager know that I used Demy?
Protecting your privacy is important to us. Individual or identifiable data will NEVER be shared with your employer; however, they will receive anonymized, aggregated data to help them understand how their employee population is using Demy.

Tech and support

Why isn’t my app loading? Why do I keep getting error messages?
Check to make sure your phone’s operating system is up to date. Force quit and restart Demy. If you still have trouble, delete the app, and install it again. Your account will still use the same login. Also make sure are connected to the internet. If you are still having difficulties, email [email protected].
What does Pfizer Global Patient Authentication (GPA) mean? Do I have to be on a Pfizer treatment to use the app?
Your account for Demy is set up using a global authentication capability for patient services by Pfizer. This allows you to use the same login information if you also use other Pfizer created applications or websites. However, you do not have to be on a Pfizer treatment to use the app.
How can I delete my account?
You can delete your account through the link on your profile page or email [email protected] with the subject line “Delete my Demy account,” and we’ll take care of it for you.
How will my data be used?
Please see our App Privacy Policy for details.
What if I need more help with the app?
You can contact support any time from your profile page, or email us at [email protected].

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